I just got a Matured Male Brachypelma Albopilosum. I bought it from a friend because I'm afraid I might injured his male during the breeding process.But I promised him some slings in return if it will be a successful one. I have a sub-adult female Brachypelma Albopilosum , but it is still in premolt, and her abdomen is getting dark. Hopefully she'll have a successful molt soon, so that she'll be able to meet my MM B. albo. hahaha!
According to its previous owner, my newly acquired MM B. albo molted last month, first week of february. I hope my MM b. albo will be able to live longer, and waits for his partner before he pass. This male I have is bigger than the female, which has an approx. diagonal legspan of 5.5 inches. He is very busy making his spermweb and I'm lucky enough to see it in person. After making his spermweb , he quickly destroys it and then starts to roam around its enclosure again.
I was able to talk to a friend who already has experience in breeding this arachnids. And according to him a mated matured male usually lasts up to 4 to 6 months while those that weren't bred at all usually lives for more than a year and still very eager to find a mating partner. All is well. Good luck to me ! I'll give you an update . . .