It's been almost 2mos. since my female Brachypelma Albopilosum Female molted, and guess what ? She just recently shed its exoskeleton again, last May 12 2013. I think it was my fault because I assumed she was mated and fed her too many adult male blaptica dubias. I was thinking and assuming she might need plenty of food for her to develop fertile eggs and lay a good egg sac. Unfortunately, the bad news just broke out, which is shedding her old skin just too soon. But it's ok atleast I learned my lesson , to never overfeed her and to expect the unexpected. hahaha!
The matured male Brachypelma Albopilosum is still alive and still making his spermweb. After a week or two maybe I will mate them again and I will try to feed my female Brachypelma Albopilosum with just enough food for her not to molt too soon. The exoskeleton I got from her is around 5.5 inches diagonal legspan , so I'm hoping she will be around 6 inches after eating few male dubias.
I learned a lot from my first and previous breeding attempt, and I will not make those mistakes again, hopefully. So this first tarantula mating attempt of mine is unsuccessful one. But I will provide you with clear and full video in my second tarantula mating attempt. I will update you every now and then . Thank you and God bless!