
Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Successfully Sexed a Tarantula-Using its Exovium

Most of us who are new to the hobby, which is keeping inverts as pets, would hope that our newly bought tarantulas are female. For the fact that they are bigger in size and the most important thing is that they lived way too longer than the males.I am not good at ventral sexing and there's a much more accurate method of sexing a tarantula that would not give us false hopes and huge expectations in the end. So , I've decided to make a video regarding on how to successfully sexed a tarantula using its exovium or its molt. I think this would help anyone in the hobby especially before deciding to buy a tarantula as some of the sellers would say it's a female or it does look like one.So, I would best recommend to ask for its exovium as well,  in buying a "female" tarantula as a proof that it's really a female. I think everybody in the hobby should know how to sexed a tarantula for future references. Nobody will do it for you , so probably it would be helpful for you to try it now and save all your tarantulas' molt. But what ever the outcome would be ,whether it's a male or a female, I would love them more because I already know what name best fits them. lol. So here's the link on how to successfully sexed a tarantula. "How to Successfully Sexed a Tarantula-Using its Exovium". It's my first tutorial video and I hope you'll still appreciate it. Thank you and happy "tarantula" keeping!  :)

Here it is. Enjoy watching. :)

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